That article could not be found.


Hello to everyone in Quesada and those of us that love the place and of course to Quesada life its nice to be back in contact with everyone again, life has not been the same over the last few months without you all.
I see that the site has a lot more things to be added but at least we have our forum back. I would just like to ask everyone to get registered and tell everyone the forum is back so that we can build our on line community again, and so that I have some one to take to.


Hi Everyone.

We have just moved to Dona Pepa in Quesada and would love to meet some ex-pats in our age group (60+)
We have been told there are lots of interesting things going on in the area, but not sure where to find them!
I see from the comment that this forum has just been reactivated and looks like we are the first ones on here.
Anyone else out there in our age group that can give us some pointers :-)

Love to hear from you.

Liam and Louise x

Commented niamcult in Quesada 2017-05-05 11:19:51 UTC

Dear Liam and Louise

Welcome to Spain and hope that everything turns out sunny for you guys!
Our Forums and Events calendar are back and we are going to try and get everyone back talking again.
This is just for people who wants to have a chat and to add any forthcoming events that they know of on the events calendar.
It is very easy to use and NOT full of people wanting to sell stuff!!
Any bars that you know of has a forthcoming event, Karaoke, Bingo, Quiz night, then tell them to let people know by putting it on our events calendar!

Commented Support in Alicante 2017-05-05 12:53:50 UTC